
End of easter vacations~

Ah~there they go...2 weeks just flew by and i didn't even notice~It's so dramatic...I just wanna sing bad apple now! Nagareteku toki no naka~ *mumbles* sou shiranai? Lalalaaala~
So I guess i should just tell you guys what i did this vacations...
Well i actually had a bunch of projects for ToA, i wanted to draw a few comic strips for you guys...But sadly i didn't get to make them (Sometimes I'd get bored of them, other times i'd just be busy or out...) Even so, here i managed to complete 3 strips. P.1 p.2 (1/2)
I also tried two other projects...but got quickly bored of them...I should try doing something serious, just dunno what...Guess I'll look for something during summer...
Other than that. Well i think i got fact, 2 kg fatter! I feel bad enough to kill myself! But i think i'm just gonna keep singing Bad apple!! Sabes lo que es el dolor sabes cuan triste estoy~?
I also broke my bike...What the heck ~ It just broke! Like CRACK! and i was like "whoa~what's this!? " and then sudently! no bike! How am i supost to lose 2 kg now!? HOW?!
so let's see..on a brighter side~I slept till 10-11 am~! it felt seriously good~
now on the bad side~ I also broke my cellphones!! Seriously i spent almost a month to gather money to buy them! and in the end..they didn't even last one month! I hope i can fix them somehow..i really them.
Oh i also didn't get to chat much with kitte-nii, in fact i was pretty distant from most ToA members..only had the chance to talk with mimi once in awhile, hope it won't be like this during summer vacations... are my vacations summarized:
-Got fatter, broke my bike and my headphones, got soft like jello, didn't get to have much time with ToA, started and never completed projects...conclusion...I'd be far better at school. Vacations are bad!



OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! Easter's here!! You know what that means!?!? CHOCOLATEEE ! I MEAN CHOCOLAAAAATEEE !! YES! YEEESS!!