
How i feel Today.

First I'd like to apologie to Jay , I'm sorry~I really haven't read your posts lately, but i swear that is because im usually out or busy , I'll try and read them this weekend , kay?

I have been without school for 5 days now (We get 3 days of vacations because of Carnival + the weekend, therefor 5 days.) and today was the 5th day of mini-vacations/long weekend...Wich means I'll have to come back to school tomorrow...Till there everything seems fine..But for some reason I feel a bit anxious..I can't explain why, it's like there's something i'm not grasping...but ,seriously what? Maybe im just scared to go back to the same old routine...It's not exactly a bad routine nor is it terribly tiring, but it's like something is really missing in my life,or maybe I'm changing? Sorry for all the emo-crap~ You guys know i act the oposite of emo all the time and stuff but today something really seems to be off...
On lighter news.
I wonder if you guys already read the carnival post~? Yeah~Well there's more! My friends went out again and i was disguised as a mobster! But I'll give you all ~the details laa~aater~ 'Cause im still waiting for the photos, and i gotta go study and all that stuff ~
I really miss ToA tho..I hope i get some time to chat with you guys soon...
OH! and JAY! Be read~y! Cause I'm about to kick your ass! I'll be Mr."Beach body"! And I'll give you the title of "Sea slug"! Once i win that is~ Guahahaha~
Oh~ and mimi~Be sure to keep on being cute and do cute stuff for me kay? You know what we shoulda do? Muffins! really cute and pink muffins! With chocolate chips! I bet ToA'll love it!
Oh~~and for my old man~Be sure not to go too hard on yourself now 'kay? You gotta rest now ~ since your exams are over and all~meanwhile take good care of the kage freak kay?

Don't forget our lil promise!!
(Oh boy~I'm so emotional today~Seriously~)
Anyway~look forward to my next posts..Miss you guys!

3 comentários:

  1. Hey, glad you had a lot of fun on your carnival vacation thingy, sounded like a lot of fun ^^. Why is it that when people younger than me worry about the future, it makes me feel so old? haha. Oh man, just imagine how Shin feels :O! hahaha jk jk.

    I still got a lot of growing up to do as I'm realizing more and more, but in other ways I think I've matured more lately. Ah, lets get away from the melo-dramatism now.

    Anywho, Misty never reads my posts and comments T.T; And you'll probably win the beach body competition because I'm always too tired to exercise here, plus never get to eat enough ><; (dun wanna buy snacks cuz I need to conserve my money).

    Well glad you're having fun though ^^ There's always ways to make school fun by the way, so don't miss vacation too much hehe.

  2. Don't give me excuses! Be ready to face defeat sea slug! I'm also tired! Plus it's dead cold here! And i don't eat much either! SO HA!
    Oh~yeah~She doesn't~does she~? I think she just hates you~oh~ohohoh~relax~

  3. I see you actually ended up enjoying the whole blog idea w.

    Just so you know gaki even if I didn't get the time to comment I always read your entries when I get a chance, and most of the time they make me smile ( tho the old man part made me twitch)

    There's a lot of stuff going on right now and I barely have time to grab something to eat and sleep a few hours, so don't think I forgot about you.

    In the mean time be a good kid and have lots of fun.
