
A Pleasant Day~

So yesterday (thursday) I was having a really bad day, I had to study to philosophy, i redid a essay like 3 times (Wich i desesperatly needed to be brilliant so my grade could raise a little) , and i got the sad news that my dog had passed away...Well she wasn't really old...But she was really sick and probably i guess its better like this..At least i won't see her getting any worse...Rest in peace...
So when i woke up i was really down and sad, and i tought it was gonna be a crappy day. I got late for my first class, cause a vendor who was supost to appear at 8 o'clock decided to appear at 9...and yeah, when i got there, my class was having a sexual education class, about STDs , with lot of pictures to acompany my breakfast (wich sucked too) , to make it all better i had to take up with the person's next to me jokes...(i had to sit next to him, since it was the only place avaible, oh boy ,guess why...) So i was seriously freaking out, when the lesson was over i had Geography, and around this time my day start getting better.
Teacher handed over the corrected tests, I was seriously nervous 'bout this one..Mainly 'cause I had only one day to study for it, while i had more time to study for other tests. But even so i got a 16 (or grades go from 0 to 20). Me and my friend ,Nô, got the highest grades on the class! So yeah i was pretty satisfied~ after that i had lunch, and then i had my phylosophy test, wich went really great! (Hopefully the grade will be as great~) Even tho there were some complications cause some people wanted to change the test for next week, cause they hadn't study, well tough luck ~ Next time study, suckers. After classes were done, me and a few friends went out~ it was really really really fun , we sat on the grass we chated we laughed , then we had a chocolate milkshake wich was heavenly delicious and refreshing, Then we went back to the grass and had a little bit of more fun~
Around 9'o clock we were gonna watch this play "roxanne" made and played by some of our friends, it was amazing! Seriously the dance sequences were awesome! The show was really full of emotion~ So we had lots of fun . So I ended up and Nô's house and we were like chating, the day was seriously so long and fun that we even forgot that we had school that day .
So summarizing~
It was really a nice day, i was needing it ~ And honestly! I think i deserved it!
Can't wait for next week! Cause we're gonna have a sleepover at nô's and be all like getting our stuff ready for carnival ,it will be amazingly awesome!
So ~ Sorry for the wall of text ~

6 comentários:

  1. Ah! I'm so sorry about your dog passing away, I can imagine that could depress you, but luckily you have friends to make it all better I see.

    You sure are growing up fast, w.

    I don't think you've told me about No before, is she nice? That day of yours sounded just like my late for exam day, I also went out with friends afterwards - well, we went out for some alcohol, not milkshake, but we'll ignore that little detail.

    Keep up the good work at school, one of the 2 best grades in class, now that's my little bro. w


  2. was actually the best grade..But it doesnt really matter, I just hope the rest of the exams will be as smooth as that one was.

  3. Ah, so sorry about the doggy. I know so many jokes could be made right now involving me and dogs, but lets not go there right now *glares at Fade* haha jk jk. But seriously, I've never had a close pet, so I dunno the pain of it all, but must be somewhat heartbreaking Im guessing.

    That No person sounds pretty cool. I have no idea if it's a guy or girl cuz I've never heard that name before, but either way, glad you have such an awesome friend ^^. Gah, I want a milkshake now~

    What kinda vendor was it by the way that you waited for an hour? o.o

  4. The provider type, why are you so curious tho?

  5. Fade~

    Sorry to hear about your dog, she was very lucky to have you as an owner, as you were lucky to have her as a friend.

    Those subjects of yours sound hard... I'm glad to see that you're coping with school, I hope you get good results too! You are so smart~ Good luck!

    I'm glad that you're having lots of fun~ You definitely deserved it! You deserve heaps more fun times with all the hard work you're doing~! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures~ Like this coming up Carnival thing ^^ I hope you and your friends have a nice time zombie-ing everyone. Hehehe!

    Have fun & Take care~

  6. Oh! Yes! definetly! It'll be terrific!
    I'll try to get some photos so i can post'em here and tell you guys the details!
