
...And so the project starts!

So , Like I said in the other post, the "project" became quite a huge deal.
Today I made the whole plot on paper...However some of the parts sound too cheesy while others sound too logical, they don't sound so good together ... So tomorrow I'll probably grab what the elements i like the most about the story and created something awesome! Or at least I'll try...later I'll look for someone to read it for me.
I also started to do some character design, I love character design its so fun but also so brain tiring...So today i worked on the clothes the main characters are going to wear in the Beggining of the story . The story starts in 1888 ( i picked this year...mostly cause its sort off a reference) so i had to look for some clothing...But i still had no idea what would be the fashion among this was the result:
Sorry for the lame lineart/coloring . Anyway i think it ended up looking too adult , maybe ? Either ways ~ Tomorrow I'll start working on the faces...i ended up not doing them today..mostly 'cause the faces are gonna be kinda important...Well Hope you guys'll stay tunned for more news bout this project~See ya!

5 comentários:

  1. Cool xD Can't wait to see it ^^ Looking good so far~

  2. Bibocas: Do the nerdy smile!! x3 Thank you~

    Jay: Thanks~I can't wait to see it either~

    but..the story needs a major tunning...It sounds why too cheesy, too many plot holes and stuff.

  3. Bibocas? That's such an awesome name xD
